Comments must be civil, free from obscenities, and no flaming etc. Robust opinions are welcomed but the tone must be civil or else they will be consigned to the oven.
Keep it clean and remember, ladies, Gentlemen, and Children have access to these pages.
Ronnie Bray retains the right to amend unsuitable language by cutting it out and/or replacing it with decent language that expresses the comment's intention but with decent language.
If you are unable to control your language and temper, then feel free to direct it as 'priority' to ''
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Comments must be civil, free from obscenities, and no flaming etc. Robust opinions are welcomed but the tone must be civil or else they will be consigned to the oven.
Keep it clean and remember, ladies, Gentlemen, and Children have access to these pages.
Ronnie Bray retains the right to amend unsuitable language by cutting it out and/or replacing it with decent language that expresses the comment's intention but with decent language.
If you are unable to control your language and temper, then feel free to direct it as 'priority' to ''